Wednesday, January 31, 2007

DAY 16

Woke up very late (11am) – having had more sleep than a rolligon driver gets in a week – spent the day logging ‘cos we need to get our heads round the material – that way we can stop shooting blind, decide on our storylines and film very specifically with those in mind which is time saving in the end even though we have to log over 40 hours (and growing)’s worth of footage.

Although Sam followed Justin to the landing of the first plane on the runway (a twin otter) – a possible moment of jeopardy in our B story – the ice runway, I spent the entire day at camp.

Although did film a sequence of the Emergency Spill Supervisor trying to get the satellite TV work for Superbowl Sunday (a little docu soap storyline we’re following). It looked great with him struggling with the satellite dish on the roof in 40 mph winds, a helmet on that had a massive stars and stripes design on. With his ear protectors folded back on to the helmet, he looked a bit like mickey mouse. Very surreal, but very American sequence.

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