Wednesday, January 31, 2007

DAY 13

Stumbled out onto the slope around 9 this morning and bumped into the surveying team – which is handy because we were hoping to film with them. We even managed to catch them unloading their skidoos which is perfect for the program. Think we’re gonna cast them as a kind of cross between James Bond baddies and a scientific big brother, zipping around on Skidoos before passing judgement on the depth of the ice on the runway. They’ll provide a jeopardy point for the B story, in that Bobbie has to meet their requirements for the runway to be signed off so that it can land a Herc.
They looked the part too with their crazy masks and hoods on and uniform snow gear, back packs of mad GPS equipment with huge antennae strapped to their backs, roaring past on skidoos. Sometimes one skis on the back of the skidoo trailer while the other drives the skidoo. Very cool. Unfortunately, we followed them out to the ice lake and tried to follow them onto the uncleared runway, and within minutes had run aground on a huge, but almost invisible snow drift. Driving around on a frozen lake in a giant pick up by ourselves was frightening enough, but getting stuck and having to get the hydrologist (another boffin checking ice depths on the runway) in his personal juggernaut sized rolligon to pull us out of the deep snow was more than a bit embarrassing.

So the day proved a bit frustrating. We did manage to grab some shots of an arctic fox (not sure whether its rabid or not) which we could incorporate into a C or D Story about dangerous animals in this remote wilderness – if the idea of these super cute white little critters being at all savage (rabid or not) didn’t seem quite so fucking laughable. I think part of the extreme warnings we’ve got about the foxes is probably to do with the whole of the US living in thrall of the ubiquitious compensation culture.

Still, overall we seem to be cracking along program-wise, bound to have some down days. Really enjoying myself here either way.
Went running, before supper (although the treadmill is making horrendous noises.) Watched an episode of Vincent with Ray Winstone on DVD – not bad.

Sam beat me at chess.

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