Friday, January 26, 2007


We woke up very hungover, packed our ridiculous amounts of kit – 12 bags between two of us – and somehow managed to drag our sorry arses to Anchorage airport – via a garage owned by a nutty couple – a guy who dressed like Evil Kanieval and his Vietnamese postal bride. For some unknown reason they had plastered their tiny walk-in kiosk with their married life history in photos. Of course once he found out what we were doing, he had to tell us his theory of how global warming was going to be solved by a super cooling volcanic eruption, before slipping Sam a mini God squad book using the not-very-successful analogy of Jesus as the time keeper of our dog sled race!!!!

Had a great a moment watching the sunset over the runway, baggage trains and small aircraft in the foreground and mountains in the back, Pink Floyd and Creedance Clearwater on the jukebox, everything tinted yellow by the darkened glass, an awesome fat old style cheeseburger with every kind of sauce and a coke. God, sometimes, although I hate to admit it, I love AMERICA. Still, at least half the music was English.

The plane ride wasn’t so cool, I was a bit concerned I was going to have to sit next to the obese guy who was wearing the t– shirt that was way too small for him and left his saggy belly hanging literally about a foot over his jeans and out from under his t shirt – kind of like what you’d expect a beached whale to like like after its given birth. Stretch marks and all.

And, to my horror, I was. Thank fuck he’d been given two seats (he couldn’t even pull the arm rest down anyway) and a seat belt extender. So we had half a seat between us, instead of me sharing half my seat with him.

We are now entering the arctic circle……………

Only one more flight to go after this.

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